Meet Mary Long

Super Capital #1

We invest up to €100k per startup.

We're ready to go above and beyond to nurture your business. With up to 100k Euros for the taking, you'll want us to believe in you as much as you believe in yourself.

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Access the network & expertise of 100+ entrepreneurs.

We know it's hard to access the time of business owners and entrepreneurs, but we make that task easy for you!

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Investment strategy

Early-stage, post-revenue

It's simple. We invest in you enough to build your product and team, we don't take any money or profits until we reach an agreed-upon revenue target.

Founders, cash out right now!

Smart, partial cash out options to secure your ROI

We're obviously smart with money, and we're looking to teach you how to be smart with your new money!

Get an answer within 14 days

We don't have much bureaucracy. We sit down, evaluate your deck and give you an answer in 14 days.

Meet the founding team

Doctoral Candidate for Integrative Medicine,
Owner of The Deliberately Delightful Company

Mary is a Candidate for Doctor of Integrative Medicine, I.M.D. and Ph.D.

She is still in classes through The International Academy Of Wellness in Ontario, Canada.

She holds multiple certificates in movement, dance, yoga, medicine, reiki, flower essence therapy, and advanced chiropractic anatomy.

She speaks on topics of nutritional psychiatry, movement, yoga, and dance as an international speaker and health care leader.

Mary's program is part of Doctors Without Borders. She is a sought-after an international leader and consultant.
Find her at the Health 2.0 Conferences in Las Vegas, NV and Dubai, UAE.

Software Engineer + Data Scientist, Machine Learning Engineer, Owner of Internet Geopardy, LLC.

Mary is a computer scientist and engineer.

She has a degree in Mathematics & Computer Science from Drexel University and Certificates in Advanced Data Science & Machine Learning from MIT.

Internet Geopardy, Limited Liability Company is the LLC she uses for computer science and tech-related 1099 contracting.

Mary Long

A multilingual woman with many talents.

About Us


Data Scientist

Doctoral Candidate of Integrative Medicine (IMD&PhD in Progress)


Portfolio - Coming Soon

Best investors ever.